Physical and Emotional Pain
Pain and anxiety don't have to control your life.
This may sound really counterintuitive but: Pain and Anxiety are habits you've learned. They are your brains way of communicating that something in your unconscious mind or your body aren't quite right and it's needs attending to.
Hypnosis is the only PROVEN method to recalibrate your anxious patterns and your pain response , quickly, easily and permanently by changing your unconscious associations with the anxiety triggers and by changing your relationship with the experience of pain.
Book your consult call now to see just how easily you can rewrite these habits in your body and brain, quickly easily and permanently!
Facts about anxiety and pain:
It's not at all uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from complex pain disorders, depression or multiple other health issues that are compounded by anxiety and vice versa.
Yet more facts about anxiety and pain:
Emotional or physical pain often goes unrecognized, especially in men. On many occasions people experiencing all sorts of, self destructive behaviors, including addictions, are actually experiencing unaddressed anxiety or pain of some type.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I'm on an medication?
If you are seeing a medical or mental health professional to treat your anxiety or pain, whatever it's source, keep following their directions and continue with any medication you're on under their directions.
Hypnosis is not medical care but will certainly assist any medical treatments you are undertaking. Medical care and hypnosis work fantastically together and there is no contraindication between the two for pain management or anxiety.
How do you approach anxiety?
Anxiety is a habit. Its just a combination of nervous system arousal and focused attention. My approach to anxiety is to teach you both trance states and waking state techniques to take the energy and attention that anxiety gives you and point it in better, more productive, directions.